Looking 101: Block Museum - Northwestern University
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Looking 101

September 18-December 1, 2024
Katz Gallery
Class is in session. Learn to look through art.

The average museum visitor spends fewer than thirty seconds looking at a work of art. It usually takes us far less time than that to draw conclusions about what we see; the human brain seems to perform this work automatically and instantaneously. How does slowing down our looking habits help us understand their connections to meaning-making? How do our individual backgrounds and experiences affect how we perceive what we see?

We invite you to enter our teaching gallery and engage in a typical classroom activity: an exercise in close looking that can be used to analyze any work of art. We have intentionally not provided contextual and interpretive texts on the walls of this exhibition so you can begin your visit with direct observation of the art. Information about each artwork and discussion prompts are available in the brochure holders and on our website. You can do this exercise on your own or in conversation with other visitors.
Looking 101 supports undergraduate education at Northwestern University by focusing on first-year students. Works on view are selected from The Block’s collection to relate to themes in courses across campus this term.

Faculty members interested in learning more about the Block Teaching Gallery are encouraged to contact Essi Rönkkö at essi.ronkko@northwestern.edu.

The exhibition will be open to the general public when not scheduled for class use.


 screen-shot-2024-01-30-at-3.15.38-pm.pngThere are many ways to interpret a work of art. This four-step guide is designed to help viewers observe carefully and think critically.  You can begin by looking around and selecting an artwork you are interested in.